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International Islamic Publishing House (IIPH)

The Ideal Muslim Society

The Ideal Muslim Society

المجتمع المسلم كما يبنيه الإسلام في الكتاب والسنة

Book Authors Dr. Muhammad Ali al-Hashimi
Book Publishers International Islamic Publishing House (IIPH)
Number of Pages 544
Book Dimensions 14.5 cm x 21.5 cm
Weight 750g
Product Type Hardback
Regular price Rs. 880.00
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Detailed Description

What is the ideal Muslim society? What are the traits of this Islamic community? Is it even possible to establish one today?

It is not surprising that in a world plagued with wars, economic downturns, and social anguish, many people are looking for an alternative system in which justice, freedom, decency, and common sense prevail. The Ideal Muslim Society by Dr. Muhammad Ali al-Hashimi gives a detailed picture of what this society would look like, drawing on his extensive research of Islamic history. This authentic Islamic book on history offers practical ideas and hope to readers who long to see a better world.