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The Biography Of Imam Zaid Ibn Thaabit رضي الله عنه

The Biography Of Imam Zaid Ibn Thaabit رضي الله عنه

سيرة زيد بن ثابت رضي الله عنه

Book Publishers Darussalam
Number of Pages 382
Book Dimensions 14 cm x 21 cm
Weight 550g
Product Type Hardback
Regular price Rs. 945.00
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Detailed Description

The Biography of Imam Zaid ibn Thaabit [Islamic phrases="Radhiyallahu 'anhu"]I[/Islamic] by Darussalam is a detailed volume of the life of a noble companion of Prophet Muhammad [Islamic phrases="Shallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam"]H[/Islamic]. It features valuable lessons from the life of Imam Zaid ibn Thaabit [Islamic phrases="Radhiyallahu 'anhu"]I[/Islamic] who managed to secure great success in knowledge, action and the spreading of Islam.

The book details the merits of companions of Prophet Muhammad [Islamic phrases="Shallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam"]H[/Islamic] before delving into the life this great companion. It then details his name and lineage followed by his efforts in searching for knowledge and compilation of the Noble Qur'an. It explains the arrangement of verses and consecutiveness of the Qur'an and refutation against those who criticized it. The book also highlights his efforts in dispelling misconceptions about the compilation of the Qur'an, his commentary on the Qur'an and his position in Fiqh, faraa’id and Fatwa.